Awaken To The Real You… Align With Your Soul… Life As Your Truth… We Are Proud To Introduce, Your: Manifestation Gold Series
Sue McDonald and Graham Johnson
- Are you feeling that something has changed inside of you?
- Are you becoming aware of all the things you used to do and don’t want to do anymore, and all the thinking patterns you don’t wish to keep?
- Are you feeling a deep sadness/compassion about the suffering in the world?
- Are you feeling a deep yearning for meaning in your life?
- Do you really have a willingness to know who you truly are and to be finally, yourself?
- Are you experiencing increased intuitions and a desire to reconnect with yourself?
- Are you experiencing an increase in coincidences and in synchronicities in your life?
Let’s see if I can make more sense of what caught your attention and show you how our program brings you closer and closer, each day to –
becoming the best version of yourself physically, emotionally, and spiritually…
You are a Spiritual being, having a human learning experience. You are here on the planet, at this time, for a very powerful growth experience and to make a difference in your very own unique way.
When you were little, you took on the beliefs and behaviors of your parents and care-givers. These beliefs were stored in your unconscious mind, and become the habits that you carry out each day. Sometimes we think it’s our genes that make us the kind of person we are. However, that’s not the whole story. Sometimes we are so preoccupied with the status quo that we forget we have the power to become the person we want to be.
When something grabs our attention it is always for your highest good – you always thought that you couldn’t do “x” – but you are feeling, right now, that I want to experience it in another way.
I had a dream that I could make a difference in some way. I experienced some challenging experiences of a very negative nature, so by retraining my mind towards happiness and success, I now have turned lemons into lemonade in all areas of my life….. and there is more great excitement awaiting you right here, right now
You can use our audio recordings to learn to re-train your mind and change your thinking patterns, by eliminating your blocks, and begin your journey to AWAKENING
Read more about the Manifestation Gold Series.
All of our Affirmation Programs are coded with Unconditional Reiki Healing Energy and Love
Visit my shop to get started with retraining your brain listening to audio affirmations.
1 Wiaktun Crescent,
Mount Waverley,
Victoria 3149, Australia
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A great place to begin is this starter pack:
Starter Kit – 10 affirmation audios plus bonus articles.