Let the Journey Begin
Choice 1:
This is your life, and you are here to learn whatever it is that you are here to learn. If you were not taught that you have choice, then I recommend that you purchase “I am the Choices I Make” as a way to begin the next part of your journey.
Choice 2:
Being mindful that whatever you allow to enter your ears and whatever comes out of your mouth is about YOU. It is now time for you to learn to say NO.
Choice 3:
Whatever the experience that comes into your life, you have attracted to yourself for your learning. This is where Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is so powerful and effective.
Choice 4:
There is no substitute for your diligence. The power to heal comes from within. This is your journey, make the most of all the opportunities that you attract into your life by letting go of blame and please ENJOY.
Choice 5:
Please download your free mp3 and let the journey begin NOW – you will notice different opportunities turning up in your life, embrace all new positive experiences with a positive attitude so that the new belief overpowers the old out dated one that existed in the past.
Choice 6:
The subconscious mind is where all your habits are stored. All the things you do on a daily basis without even thinking about them ie the way you brush your teeth, the way you tie your shoes, how you eat a meal, the way you drive and so on. All the things you do that you had to think about once, are now become a become deeply ingrained habit. If your habit no longer works for you – then it is time to change by using affirmations to form a brand new neural pathway that works for you. The power of the positive becomes a new belief, stored in your unconscious mind
Choice 7:
How I see my World is through my own unique experiences – unique to me, so how I view others is the same process – If I where to say “I know how you feel” – I am most likely going to receive a mouthful of abuse from the person that I was trying to support. Wisdom from my 96 year young Father is ”Ask me do not tell me” Had I said “I cannot know how you might be feeling right now, but I am open to learning” is a far more empowering response
Choice 8:
How to become an active compassionate listener
- Give your full attention on the person who is speaking. Don’t look out the window or at what else is going on in the room.
- Make sure your mind is focused, too. It can be easy to let your mind wander if you think you know what the person is going to say next, but you might be wrong! If you feel your mind wandering, change the position of your body and try to concentrate on the speaker’s words.
- Let the speaker finish before you begin to talk. Speakers appreciate having the chance to say everything they would like to say without being interrupted. When you interrupt, it looks like you aren’t listening, even if you really are.
- Let yourself finish listening before you begin to speak! You can’t really listen if you are busy thinking about what you want say next.
- Listen for main ideas. The main ideas are the most important points the speaker wants to get across. They may be mentioned at the start or end of a talk, and repeated a number of times. Pay special attention to statements that begin with phrases such as “My point is…” or “The thing to remember is…”
- Ask questions. If you are not sure you understand what the speaker has said, just ask. It is a good idea to repeat in your own words what the speaker said so that you can be sure your understanding is correct. For example, you might say, “When you said that no two zebras are alike, did you mean that the stripes are different on each one?”
- Give feedback. Sit up straight and look directly at the speaker. Now and then, nod to show that you understand. At appropriate points you may also smile, frown, laugh, or be silent. These are all ways to let the speaker know that you are really listening. Remember, you listen with your face as well as your ears!
Choice 9:
My perceptions about Karma Simply said, if we chose to ignore the workings of karma, we tend to create many problems for ourselves. For example, if we like to have something expensive, but we cannot afford it, it becomes very tempting to steal. If we are smart and attentive enough, we may never be caught stealing. However, by stealing, (according to the law of karma) we create problematic situations for ourselves in the future, like poverty, or being the victim of robbers. Therefore, if we chose to ignore karma, the results of our actions will still haunt us.
Choice 10:
Do unto others what you would have that they do unto you Simply put – if you want others to be kind to you – be kind to yourself and all others. If you gossip about others, then know that others will gossip about you. When you judge others, others will judge you.